Sunday, May 10, 2009

more sites with BRC coverage / what's next?

I have put up more photos of this year's BRC at
The Bayonet and BenningTV are posting stories, video and photos. Look for links at BenningTV has also posted coverage on YouTube throughout the weekend.
The Army Times had a reporter and videographer cover the 2009 BRC. Their website is
And please visit the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer's website at for extensive coverage of this year's competition.

The award ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, May 11 at 10 a.m. The location for the event is the Ranger Memorial on main post, however, due to weather conditions it may be moved to Freedom Hall.

This blog will be monitored for comments but no new posts will be put up shortly after the BRC awards ceremony. For all intents and purposes, other than monitoring comments, this blog will be inactive by the end of May. If you would like to contact me about the Best Ranger Competition or Fort Benning, you can reach me at the Fort Benning Public Affairs Office, 706-545-3512 or email me there at

If the information posted here was helpful or of some interest to you, please feel free to post comments. This was the first year that our office used the internet to cover the BRC so the jury is still out on if we will try again next year.


  1. LOVE IT! Thank you for keep us out here at 2nd Batt. up to date!! LOVE IT!!

  2. Yeah for my brothers!!! Daniel Jenkins and Troy Jenkins. They did awesome and since I couldn't be there to watch in person, thank you to this website for keeping me up to date and helping me to follow along a bit.
    Mahalo from Rhonda in Hawaii!
